Lifetime statistics
This section presents all statistics from ALife data collected using the lifetime approach. The tables in this section are interactive (search, filter and sort).
Sample composition
We restrict our analysis to those individuals aged between 20 and 50 years with non-negative lifetime labour income, capital income, public transfers and income tax. (Lifetime income is calculated as the sum of annual incomes. Please see main paper for details.) We also restrict each cohort to only those individuals who are present in the data consistently in each year. Cohorts are indexed by the year they turned 30.
Table 1: Sample composition by sex
Mean and median income
Cumulative growth in mean income
Income by quantiles
The quantiles here are quantiles of market income.
Income at the top
Cumulative growth by quantile
Market, tax and net income
Only market and net incomes
Growth incidence curve c1991-c1999
Growth incidence curves by 3 groups of cohorts
We divided the 9 cohorts into 3 sub-groups and then average growth rates between cohorts for each sub-group.